As a network, MOCAN collaborates with equity-minded partners across the state, sometimes leading the collaboration, and sometimes supporting the work led by others.
Professional Development Institute
The Professional Development Institute (PDI) provides free, in-person and online professional development for high school counselors and community organizations advising students on financial aid, career pathways, and other topics of postsecondary planning.
Postsecondary Equity Network
The Postsecondary Equity Network (PEN) is a coalition of higher education colleagues supporting diverse students. Read more about PEN.

MOCAN and partners created a website to help counselors, students and parents find the information they need to complete the FAFSA. Visit for the most up-to-date information for Missouri students, parents and counselors.
Degrees with Less Debt
The Degrees with Less Debt research we commission provides insight into which colleges and universities are enrolling significant percentages of low-income students, first-generation students, and students of color, and supporting them to graduation with less debt. Research on what those institutions are doing informs the work of the Postsecondary Equity Network.
My Scholarship Central
My Scholarship Central, a free, online portal connecting Missouri students to over 170 scholarships and interest-free loan programs to help make college more affordable.

MDHEWD Adult Learners Network
MOCAN participates in the Adult Learner Network to increase postsecondary opportunities for adult learners, including those who have some college credit but no degree.

rootEd Missouri
MOCAN partners with rootEd Alliance to support college and career advising to students in over 130 rural high schools across Missouri.

Boniface Scholar Postsecondary Success Initiative
A three-year initiative in St. Louis to increase persistence and graduation rates for students in partner middle school, college access organizations and higher education institutions.

Kansas City College and Career Attainment Network (KCCAN)
KCCAN is developing a community strategic plan on college and career and launching an advising program to support low-income students and students of color.