35 events found.
MOCAN – Missouri College & Career Attainment Network
Increasing equity in college and career for Missouri students
College counselors and career advisors are invited to join MOCAN and MASFAP for Professional Development Institute (PDI) fall workshops providing updates on financial aid, interpreting offer letters, and changes to the FAFSA. Workshops will be held in-person on 14 campuses across the state in September, October, and November. Unless noted below, all workshops will begin […]
MSCA's annual conference for Missouri counselors. Register and learn more.
Did you miss one of the 14 in-person high school counselor workshops? No worries, we are hosting one more virtual workshop! Join us online to learn what’s new with the 2024-25 FAFSA, what happens after filing the FAFSA, discuss unique student situations, and discuss what you and your students can be doing this fall and […]
Join us online with veteran counselor, Julie Kampschroeder as she discusses strategies on advising high-achieving and high-need students. Julie will also walk counselors through the process of identifying institutions that meet full financial need for this population of students. REGISTER HERE
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