Missouri has set an ambitious goal for 60% of adults ages 25 to 64 to attain a certificate or degree beyond a high school diploma by 2030. Missouri currently stands at just over 50%. For Black, Hispanic and rural students, the gaps are far wider. Only 31.9% of Black adults have earned a degree. The percentage is 35% of Hispanic adults and just 30.8% for those living in rural communities.
To reach 60% will take bold action – and a focus on adult learners. This includes adults who have some college credit, those who seek to upskill, or those looking to enroll in postsecondary education for the first time.

MOCAN is pleased to partner with the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development, Education Strategy Group, and colleagues across the state who are part of the Adult Learner Network to develop a strategic plan to focus our efforts to support adult learners. Among the strategies: targeted financial aid, navigation supports, providing credit for prior learning, and building upon Missouri’s strong track record of apprenticeship.
Read the Report:
Thanks to everyone who helped to create the plan, Sixty for All: A Roadmap to Equitable Postsecondary Attainment for Adult Missourians, including Missouri Scholarship & Loan Foundation and the Lumina Foundation who provided support to make it possible.